Micro invest tax credits 2015
Deadline: The deadline for the submission of applications for the micro invest tax credits in respect of eligible expenditure incurred in 2015 is the 30th March 2016. Eligible micro enterprises and self-employed that: employ less than 30 employees; and whose turnover does not exceed €10 million. Qualifying expenditure includes: Capital investment in new 9(or first.. read more →

Tax deductions relating to donations made to the Malta Community Chest Fund
Tax deductions relating to donations made to the Malta Community Chest Fund are regulated by Subsidiary Legislation 123.162, ‘Donations (Community Chest Fund) Rules’. The rules were amended to apply for donations made between 1st January and 31st December 2015. The percentage of deduction allowable was amended whereby 100% donations exceeding €2,000 will be allowed as.. read more →

convention between malta and netherlands in respect of curaçao for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
On 18th November 2015, Malta and the Caribbean island of Curaçao have signed a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect of taxes on income. The agreement was signed by Malta’s Finance Minister, Edward Scicluna, and his counterpart from the constituent country of the Kingdom of the.. read more →

Highly Qualified Persons (Amendment) Rules, 2015
EEA or Swiss nationals who benefit from the Highly Qualified Persons rules are eligible for a one-time extension of five years to their qualifying period. These persons may benefit from such rules for a maximum period of ten years. This extension is not available for persons who were resident in Malta before 1st January 2008. The Highly.. read more →

Rent Arrears Scheme
The deadline of the rent arrears scheme is 30th June 2015. Such rental arrears scheme is applicable in relation to undeclared rental income earned during calendar years 2005 to 2012. Such undeclared rental income may be declared and a flat tax rate of 15% is to be paid on such undeclared rental income. Such 15%.. read more →