Micro invest tax credits 2015
Deadline: The deadline for the submission of applications for the micro invest tax credits in respect of eligible expenditure incurred in 2015 is the 30th March 2016.
Eligible micro enterprises and self-employed that:
- employ less than 30 employees; and
- whose turnover does not exceed €10 million.
Qualifying expenditure includes:
- Capital investment in new 9(or first time used in Malta) machinery and technology which enhance the operations of the enterprise including ICT solutions and systems which help to save energy or to produce alternative energy.
- Wage costs covering the 12 month period pertaining to new full-time jobs created as from 1st January 2015 as long as this constitutes a net increase in the total number of full-time employees of the applicant when compared to the employment figure of the previous 3 years. Part-time employment is eligible when such employment requires the employee to work in excess of 20 hours per week.
- Costs subcontracted to third parties in relation to furbishing, refurbishing and upgrading of business premises including extensions or modifications to premises.
- Investment in a new motor vehicle (or first time used in Malta) as long as such a vehicle is involved in the carrying of goods and Special Purpose Motor Vehicles.
Are you eligible for the Micro Invest Tax Credits Scheme? Camilleri Galea Ltd. can assist you in the submission of the Micro Invest application with the Malta Enterprise.