Payroll Services
More and more companies have come to realise that it makes commercial sense to outsource their payroll function. Not only does it remove the responsibility of running a payroll, with all the costs involved, but it allows valuable resources to be directed at more productive and profitable tasks.
By outsourcing payroll, you can benefit from knowing that:
- the payroll function will be performed by qualified, experienced staff
- accurate and timely payroll financial information will be produced for periodic and annual accounts
- you no longer need to buy and learn how to use expensive specialised software
- you do not need to concern yourself over holiday or sick leave cover for payroll staff
- the risk of exposing confidential payroll information to unauthorised personnel is reduced.
CamilleriGalea provides a comprehensive and professional payroll service. Our payroll bureau assumes total responsibility for the administration of your payroll function using experienced professionals who understand the complexity of current payroll processes and legislation.
We offer a complete service, handing all procedures relating to FSS. We can handle weekly, monthly, four weekly or fortnightly cycles.
Our service comprises:
- An initial consultation to establish your exact requirements
- Preparation of payroll based on information supplied for approval by your nominated contact
- Dealing with all starters, leavers, deduction and code changes
- Sealed, ready-to-post payslips
- Production of reports as required, sent to you by post and/or electronically
- Dealing with tax forms such as FS3, FS4, FS5 and FS7.
- End of year processing
- Dealing with ad hoc queries as and when required.