Personal Retirement Scheme Rules 2015
Amendments to the Personal Retirement Scheme Rules, were issued in 2015, through Legal Notice 117 of 2015, that have raised the maximum amount of tax credit in relation to any personal retirement scheme or policy of insurance provided for by Article 57(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act from €150 to €300. This Legal Notice has.. read more →

Double Tax Treaty between Malta and United States of Mexico
The double tax treaty with respect to the avoidance of double tax and the Prevention of fiscal evasion in relation to tax on income between Malta and the United States of Mexico has entered into force on 9 August 2014 as a result of Legal Notice 332 of 2014. read more →

The Malta Residence Programme for EU Nationals
The Residence Programme is designed for wealthy individuals and their families who are not already permanent residents in Malta to attract them to take up residence in Malta. This is an upgrade of the residence programme to nationals of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, the High Net Worth Individuals (EU/EEA/Swiss Nationals) Rules. The tax benefit under this.. read more →

The double taxation treaty between Malta and Liechtenstein has come into force
The Convention between the Government of the Republic of Malta and the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein for the avoidance of the double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital has come into force as from 1st July 2014. read more →

Malta and Moldova sign double tax treaty
Malta and Moldova have signed the double taxation agreement between the two countries. This agreement was signed by the Malta Foreign Minister George Vella and Moldova Deputy Prime Minister Natalia Gherman on 10th April 2014. The agreement was signed in line with the European Union’s encouragment for the integration of Moldova and Georgia. Malta promises.. read more →