Highlights budget 2011
Cost of living allowance · The weekly cost of living increase for 2011 is €1.16 with full compensation applicable also for pensioners. · Cost of living allowance will not be taken into consideration when calculating benefits which are means tested ensuring that the increase in cost of living would not result in a decrease in benefits. Employment.. read more →

camillerigalea website launched
Camilleri Galea Ltd. is excited to announce the launch of the web site. Designed by Holistic, the website boasts a young and fresh look. The website features services and contact details, thus giving information to our existing and prospecting clients. The website has five main areas: Assurance, Accountancy, Advisory, Corporate and Tax Services. The site.. read more →

Reduction in additional tax and interest – extended deadline
The closing date for the submission of outstanding forms by those persons who wish to benefit from the reduction in additional tax and interest scheme has been extended from 31 August 2010 to 30 September 2010. The extension also applies for the submission of any adjustment forms (AF1 or AF2) to be taken into account.. read more →

Launch of Camilleri Galea ltd. certified public accountants
On 26th July 2010, the newly formed company Camilleri Galea Limited started delivering accountancy, auditing and other related professional services. Camilleri Galea Limited is a company registered as a firm of Certified Public Accountants authorised to act as auditors in terms of the Accountancy Profession Act. Camilleri Galea Limited is a continuation on the high.. read more →