Double Tax Treaty between Malta and United States of Mexico
The double tax treaty with respect to the avoidance of double tax and the Prevention of fiscal evasion in relation to tax on income between Malta and the United States of Mexico has entered into force on 9 August 2014 as a result of Legal Notice 332 of 2014. read more →

The Malta Residence Programme for EU Nationals
The Residence Programme is designed for wealthy individuals and their families who are not already permanent residents in Malta to attract them to take up residence in Malta. This is an upgrade of the residence programme to nationals of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, the High Net Worth Individuals (EU/EEA/Swiss Nationals) Rules. The tax benefit under this.. read more →

The double taxation treaty between Malta and Liechtenstein has come into force
The Convention between the Government of the Republic of Malta and the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein for the avoidance of the double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital has come into force as from 1st July 2014. read more →

Malta and Moldova sign double tax treaty
Malta and Moldova have signed the double taxation agreement between the two countries. This agreement was signed by the Malta Foreign Minister George Vella and Moldova Deputy Prime Minister Natalia Gherman on 10th April 2014. The agreement was signed in line with the European Union’s encouragment for the integration of Moldova and Georgia. Malta promises.. read more →

Budget highlights 2014
The Minister of Finance, the Hon. Prof. Edward Scicluna, presented his 2014 Budget Speech on 4 November 2013. Cost of Living Adjustment Cost of Living Adjustment will be €3.49 per week. Consequently, the minimum wage will increase from €162.19 to €165.68 per week. Tax law will be amended so that all persons earning the minimum.. read more →

Global residence programme
The Global Residence Programme Rules were introduced by virtue of Legal Notice 167 of 2013 and these rules came into force with effect from 1st July 2013. The new scheme is so far the most advantageous residence scheme available to non-EU nationals, particularly since the minimum value threshold related property investments and rental has been.. read more →

Malta and Russia sign new double taxation agreement
Malta and Russia have signed a double taxation avoidance agreement. The agreement was signed at the Russian Finance Ministry on 24 April 2013 by Maltese ambassador Raymond Sarsero, and the Deputy Minister of Finance, Sergey Dmitrievich Shatalov. Malta Foreign Minister George Vella said that the signing of this agreement reflected his ministry’s commitment to promote.. read more →

Malta and Liechtenstein have finalised negotiatiations of a double taxation treaty
Malta and Liechtenstein have finalised negotiatiations of a double taxation treaty. Based on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Model Convention, this agreement relates to taxes on funds, capital and on income. This double tax agreement is being defined by Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister Klaus Tschütscher as another step in deepening relations with the European Union while encouraging.. read more →

Change to Malta residence permit application procedure
Malta’s Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs has announced recent changes to the Malta Residence Permit application procedure, as biometric residency permits were introduced. This means that applicants have to visit the department in person due to the fact that the residency permits shall be issued in biometric format. This procedure has been effective from the 10th of.. read more →

Malta ratifies maritime labour convention
In transmitting the instrument of ratification, Malta’s permanent representative in the UN, John Grech, stated that Malta, being a small archipelagic state in the Mediterranean, has traditionally regarded the shipping sector as vital for its economic development and is proud to have the largest ship register in the EU and the 7th largest register among the.. read more →