Launch of Camilleri Galea ltd. certified public accountants
On 26th July 2010, the newly formed company Camilleri Galea Limited started delivering accountancy, auditing and other related professional services. Camilleri Galea Limited is a company registered as a firm of Certified Public Accountants authorised to act as auditors in terms of the Accountancy Profession Act. Camilleri Galea Limited is a continuation on the high quality services that used to be provided by Mr. Daniel Camilleri, CPA, as a sole practitioner, but with a difference!
Our identity is about much more than a logo. It also represents our deep commitment to our clients. The primary objectives of this very important undertaking were two-fold: develop a more professional, stylish and recognisable identity that clearly embodies our distinctive personality and create an appropriate visual presence for the new Camilleri Galea Limited.