Budget Highlights
Following is CamilleriGalea summary for Budget 2020 COLA to be €3.49 per week. This will be granted as a pro-rata increase to students’ stipends. A one- time bonus will be given to each household, €15 for a single person household and €35 for households with two or more persons First 100 hrs of overtime of.. read more →

Patent Box Regime
On 13 August 2019 Malta introduced a patent box regime by virtue of the ‘Patent Box Regime (Deduction) Rules, 2019’, Legal Notice 208 of 2019 (the ‘Rules’). The Rules provide a basis on which the deduction laid down in article 14(1)(p) of the Income Tax Act (the ‘ITA’) may be claimed and shall apply in.. read more →

Virtual Financial Assets Law approved
The Maltese Parliament has unanimously approved the Virtual Financial Assets Bill, the Malta Digital Innovation Authority Bill and the Innovative Technology Arrangements and Services Bill, making it the first jurisdiction to adopt a regulatory framework on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), more commonly known as ‘blockchain technology’. These three bills target initial virtual financial asset offerings.. read more →

Increase in VAT exempt threshold
From 1 July 2018 taxable persons whose economic activity consists principally in supplies of services with a high value-added, and whose annual turnover is €20,000 or less are eligible to opt to register for VAT as in terms of article 11 of the VAT Act, thus exempt from charging VAT. read more →

Microinvest tax credit 2017 for Micro Enterprises and Self-Employed
Micro enterprises and self-employed persons may benefit from Microinvest tax credit equivalent to 45% of eligible expenditure (subject to certain conditions). An additional bonus of 20% (total 65% tax credit) applies to undertakings operating from Gozo, registered as Family Business or having more than 50% of the ownership attributed to female persons. For an eligible cost to be claimed under Microinvest,.. read more →