Malta gets top marks in eu single market review
Malta gets top marks in EU Single Market review
Malta is one of the best EU member states in adopting EU rules enabling its citizens the benefits of the Single Market, according to a new report presented by Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier in Brussels.
Analysing the implementation of the various rules which oil the machines of the EU’s 500 million Single Market, the report gives a clean fitness check to Malta and clearly states that the island is one of the best performers among the 27 member states.
According to the Commission’s analysis, Malta gets full marks for the transposition of EU directives – so much so that by last November Malta had the lowest transposition deficit in the EU at just 0.1 per cent, in the low number of pending infringement procedures and in helping citizens solve cross-border trade disputes through the SOLVIT mechanism.
Reacting to the conclusions of this report, Malta’s Permanent Representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana said that the report further confirms Malta’s deep commitment to the Single Market in view of the beneficial effect this has in terms of enabling Maltese individuals, consumers and businesses to make the most of the opportunities offered to them by having direct access to 27 countries and 500 million people.
Source: The Times, 1 March 2012 , by Ivan Camilleri in Brussels